Regular Hero + 24+ SYA = What we've been up to for the past 4 weeks
For the past 4 weeks we worked with 2 organizations that are officially Regular Hero’s; The 24 Foundation and Sunburst Youth Academy. The Cadets at SYA have been labeled as at-risk youth, but with the help of the amazing Cadres of SYA and 24, they are on there way to Making Things Better! We had the privilege to participate as a mentor to the Cadets using visual arts to help heal the past and motivate the future. Over the 4 weeks, we created art based around the past, present, and future. The Cadets in the visual arts program all drew pictures that represented their past. We then morphed the images into a single graphic that we printed on shirts the next week with the kids. Our final project consisted of each Cadet designing a puzzle piece based on their future signifying that in order to move forward, you must work together. Congrats to all the Cadets at SYA and keep up the great work!