Ten Thousand Helpers
The 24 Foundation Staff Member & Mentor Isla Rose went to The Virgin Islands to collaborate with the Non-Profit Ten Thousand Helpers. Ten Thousand Helpers is an organization that serves the homeless on the island and the mentally ill across the territory. Isla’s late Mother suffered from Bipolar disorder, Ten Thousand Helpers provided her with a home, job and guidance back into life and the community. While visiting her birthplace of the Virgin Islands Isla was able to reduce the stigma associated with mental illness and homelessness by teaching a dance class open to the community of all ages, backgrounds and health status. By collaborate with Ten Thousand Helpers, The 24 Foundation is able to spread their mission of “Healing the Soul” across the nation. If you would like to help reduce the mental illness stigma and empower the homeless to make the transition to a functioning lifestyle visit: http://tenthousandhelpersofstcroix.org/